The materials of the PIERRE HARDY shoes and bags are selected with the utmost care. Extended exposure to light may cause some shade discoloration. Some leathers with natural tanning haven’t been treated to preserve their authenticity.
The irregular aspects, marks and furrows are inherent to the selected skins and are part of the qualitative aesthetic of the product, and should not be considered as defects.
Generally, natural leathers are sensible to humidity and sun. Before the first use, we advise you to waterproof your products and to avoid any repetitive rubbing and contact with light colours.
Leather is a living material : a daily maintenance isn’t necessary. For leather, you can clean it with a soft, damp, lint-free cotton cloth; and with a polishing brush for suede.
After rain, re-waterproofing is recommended from time to time, once the product has dried out of any heat source.